A lady commited sucide in city centre falling from third floor on to ice skating ring, she found out her husband is with fish called F,s. The women from this particular country, the wants are more than their means. They want fancy clothes,high end perfumes & make up stuff, and also to look after the extended famalies back home. Husband sitting at home doing nothing except drinking & going after other women.Relatives asking for money. Come vacation have to carry gifts for every one to show off, carry expensive gadgets. The monthly remmitance to home is more than salary. Selling what they have is old profession, but many families are breaking because of these sluts.Freedom in Qatar is miss used.
A lady commited sucide in city centre falling from third floor on to ice skating ring, she found out her husband is with fish called F,s. The women from this particular country, the wants are more than their means. They want fancy clothes,high end perfumes & make up stuff, and also to look after the extended famalies back home. Husband sitting at home doing nothing except drinking & going after other women.Relatives asking for money. Come vacation have to carry gifts for every one to show off, carry expensive gadgets. The monthly remmitance to home is more than salary. Selling what they have is old profession, but many families are breaking because of these sluts.Freedom in Qatar is miss used.