Punishing a woman for adultery when she is raped is an ancient and ignorant way to view the situation. Zina is an umbrella statement that governs all extramarital affairs, thats the issue I'm talking about as being outdated.

In my opinion a woman who is raped is not at fault.

I'm not worried about it and regardless I think getting involved with someone who is in a relationship is dispicable. I know this must be a foreign concept for you, but people can establish their own personal set of guidelines without the help of a rule book that others made up thousands of years ago. My concern was to help the helpless, but if thinking for oneself is not up your alley then fall back on ignorance being bliss.

Also, I dont see how you can speak for all non-Muslims or Muslims. Different people take differnt positions on issues, however sometimes social pressure persuades them to blindly follow guidelines they don't necessarily agree with (completely or partially). Sound familiar?