A lot of the Lawyers/Bankers/Doctors in the UK are from all over the world originally, Chinese, African, Indian and much more. It is no different than the US, and in my opinion it is quite sad and disgusting that after all the strides we have made in race relations in the last century that there still are people who would believe that these successful people haven't proven that people can be loyal to their new home and maintain cultural ties to their roots.

In just my small class of 16 students alone we had everyone of those ethnic backgrounds I listed above, all of them are as British as they come, all born and raised in the UK but still celebrate their heritage and maintain some cultural practices, none of the white students (at least not openly) in our class felt they were out of place and we all got along well despite our different backgrounds.

So to claim that multiculturalism is a failure in the UK is utter nonsense, the relaxed attitude to bringing in certain type of violent refugees in to the country is the government's problem and not multiculturalism, and the same sort of governmental attitude applies to a lot of local white brits who live off tax payers and have children who grow up to be criminals that carryout a lot of the vicious attacks there.