i see the crew they get drunk and also get into trouble as they are under a lot of pressure especially thw women thye are not happy with their jobs i used to have aconversation with them in the club all you will hear is complain complain complain abt the company and resrtriction so much so now whn i go rarerly i saty away or the old story will start again so thats the whole picture.money no hapiness there was also a case where a qatari car hita crew near techinal bldg in airport she was paralysed for life wht happened he got out is in qatar still driving rashly they should have help her out and her family as she was only bread winner they gave her a samll amount and got rid of her this company nt intrested in well being of employees only want to squeeze work out of them after drinking lot of crew women break down and cry the guys well i hope there are any sraught guys i think mosat of them argay or become gay in this company thats the reality ogf things