I will answer you one last time as you seem to be having difficulty understanding yourself, never mind me.

"So I will ask you to prove to me that there is no such thing as bad language, alcohol fuelled fights and there has NOT been stabbings either at the ground or near to the ground."

Point 1. Bad language - as i have said in my first post, you will always have bad language at the match, its called emotion, like i said try taking in a match and see for yourself.

Point 2. Alcohol fuelled fights - Believe me Isobel i have been to more matches than i can care to remember, and can count on one hand the amount of fights i have seen at the match. When i have seen a fight it is usually between two fans of the same club. Now if you are talking about the seventies and eighties here then that is a different story but im guessing you are talking about present day, so they are very few and far between.

Point 3. You ask me to prove that there are no stabbings at the match - Surely it is far easier to prove there was eh? or are you finding that difficult? telling me that there are stabbings in the streets has no bearing on the football match or the safety of the people who attend. Again if you had ever attended you would appreciate this.

In a nutshell, it is difficult to debate with someone who loses sight at the first post that does not agree with your views, maybe i should not have expected any more from a teacher who believes that N.Ireland and Wales are not part of Britain.