Finally, you are out of the closet Peter, Drovers, jjj whatever your hatered and racism are clear to everyone I believe and you think you know it all, until now I hadn't used any insult but as you said, idiotic people like you are too challenged to reason, the thread was put to allow for a civilized discussion and here where it leads, it shows the level of hatered you have to our people, I am Lebanese, proud, and believe I am an Arab, Christian Arab (my cousin's name would be more of John, Peter and so you moron not Ahmed).
Your problem: you're too full of yourself to even be more objective and less generalizing because of your stupid blinding hatered.
And if you only understood one point of all I said, you could have saved us all this bs you keep on writing I just hope I don't come across any of your work if you have any...
Can't believe I am still answering, end of discussion..