As it is your opinion that is how I shall take it.  If you see it as desperation then so be it.  I see it as a way to meet new people and maybe get a few laughs.  Which is why I said if it doesn't go anywhere no big deal.  I think you should reread my profile  I updated it.  I created this a long time ago when I first got on here.  As my wife and I use this, I used her info when I signed up.  I am not female I am male, 

I really can't believe you were confused by what I wrote.  I thought it was pretty clear to me.  Which part didn't you understand, the part about meeting at a coffee shop?  Or the part about writing and having fun writing and sharing your work?  Maybe it was the coffee shop part.  I think you don't give people enough credit, that you believe people are not smart enough to understand what I wrote.  In the future perhaps ask if your confused.  Maybe a quick note to say hay, I don't really understand.  "What do you mean when you say meet at a coffee shop to chat and exchange idea's." 

As for my job description, yes I agree not some of my better stuff, it was a long time ago that I wrote that and decided to keep it  in.  I promise to do much better in the future so that more people like you can comment.  Oblivious to the fact that maybe I don't want people to know what I do.  Maybe not all of us put every shred of information out on the internet,  Do you really believe that is my job?  If not then it worked you have no idea what I do.  I am sure you will come back with some witty comment like, " yeah your not a comedy writer either," or something clever, which also makes  my point I want to get better and am looking for others who would like to do the same.  So I can expect your comedy stylings to join us then?

Thanks for taking the time to Constructively pick apart me and my post it truly has been a pleasure.