@namoerci: yea but i should pay alot of money i dont have so i havent found any school yet :(
@pg:i admit it, i was wrong,i did some math and proved my big failure ,however,i found out that f2=f1r
since f2=kqQ/r2
and f1=vq/r...
so q=f2r/kQ
and q=f1r/v...
q1=q2(the same charge)
f2r/kQ=f1r/v >>> f2/kQ=f1/v >>> k=f2r/Qf1
according to the formula v=kq/r >>> k=vr/Q
vr/Q=f2r/Qf1 >>skipping the math part>> f2=f1.r
so getting back to the point at the first:
f2=kqQ/r2 f1=vq/r
kqQ/r2=vq >>> v=kq/r2(i guess)
also v=qr/t
qr/t=kq/r2 >>> r/t=k/r2 >>> r3=tk..........
so what do you think?
p.s i know im acting like a d**khead today but i like physice and i finally found someone who likes it
@namoerci: yea but i should pay alot of money i dont have so i havent found any school yet :(
@pg:i admit it, i was wrong,i did some math and proved my big failure ,however,i found out that f2=f1r
since f2=kqQ/r2
and f1=vq/r...
so q=f2r/kQ
and q=f1r/v...
q1=q2(the same charge)
f2r/kQ=f1r/v >>> f2/kQ=f1/v >>> k=f2r/Qf1
according to the formula v=kq/r >>> k=vr/Q
vr/Q=f2r/Qf1 >>skipping the math part>> f2=f1.r
so getting back to the point at the first:
f2=kqQ/r2 f1=vq/r
kqQ/r2=vq >>> v=kq/r2(i guess)
also v=qr/t
qr/t=kq/r2 >>> r/t=k/r2 >>> r3=tk..........
so what do you think?
p.s i know im acting like a d**khead today but i like physice and i finally found someone who likes it