Free flow of people in and out of the country will promote your overall aviation business.

It would also promote the tourism because the tourist is free to leave at any point of time they want rather like a slave begging for exit permit with his sponsor.

So Moza and other youngsters should understand it benefitial for both the expartiates and the nation-the replacement of such out dated rules.. think it over and it looks to me as a joke.. you can hold your passport but not allowed to fly to your home..ha.ha.

I understand from some reliable sources that QAR.500 to be paid for multiple exit / entries.. but instead the Govt shall be encouraging the free exit and entry of people for the reason that it will benefit the economy through the improved business much more than the fees collected and the reputation of Qatar will go high...don't you think so Moza?

Definitely it will have negative impact on some companies' human resources if they are not paying or treating their employees with respect.

And if you really are a good employer why should you be affraid of such a rule?.. think it over if you favour the progress of all and not a few vested parties. By enforcing such a rule you may maintain a large workfore willy nilly but you will never command respect.