Housemaids?.....Our housemaid is Ethiopian , bloody hell she cooks really bad, overcook everything, and gets angry when you ask her to do something.
Yesterday, I asked her for the millionth time if she was going to make tea, ask us if we want also, she got angry left the kitchen and went to her room while talking to her , and it is not the first time.
Even thought we pay her double the basic salary than others.
Some people are just not grateful .
The problem with them is that when you treat them very nice they just go kaboom on you.
Housemaids?.....Our housemaid is Ethiopian , bloody hell she cooks really bad, overcook everything, and gets angry when you ask her to do something.
Yesterday, I asked her for the millionth time if she was going to make tea, ask us if we want also, she got angry left the kitchen and went to her room while talking to her , and it is not the first time.
Even thought we pay her double the basic salary than others.
Some people are just not grateful .
The problem with them is that when you treat them very nice they just go kaboom on you.