While recently reading something by Stephen Hawking, I just came across this line, and it literally spun my head:
"The universe is governed by laws. The laws might have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws."

I am personally a devout Muslim; however, sometimes, I just cant help reflecting over certain things from a neutral perspective. I have tried to think of most of the sins and religious rituals in pure scientific terms. Sometimes, I have seen clear reasons behind the suggestion of, or admonition against, certain things.

Let us talk about gays in pure scientific terms. I do not want to bombard you with medical information. I would just give you a few reasons why remaining gay is against the rules of universe.

The highest incidence of HIV transmission through sexual contact is with anal receptive intercourse. Second highest incidence is associated with anal insertive intercourse. The rectal musosa (the lining of the last part of the human large intestine) is far more friable than the mucosa lining the female genital tract. Thus the chances of being broken, lacerated in injured in other ways is much more in the case of anal intercourse. Gay bowel syndrome is a state of chronic state of amoebic parasitosis seen only, as the name suggests, in gays. Research demonstrates an increased risk of intestinal cancer for individuals indulding in anal sex. A man with Hepatisis A, through sexual contact, has much greater chance to transmit the disease to a male partner than a female.

The above information is just statement of a few facts, a few of those that are already known, the ill effects of homosexuality could be many more. This is a case for those who prefer to keep religion out of homosexuality. Let us see what they have to say to this. Probably they would go on and say, "Let us keep science and research out of this as well." Well, if this is the case, and I hope this is not, then there is every chance that the same people would further go on and say, " Let us keep, for example, modesty, ethics, morality out of it." In that very eventuality, I would say to these people, "What if then someone comes up and says he would like to sleep with the woman, who gave him birth?" It is possible that they might say, "Well, if the two are ok with it, why should it be our problem?" I would still ask further, "What if the two are your brother and the woman who gave you both birth?" If they still choose to answer, "Well, we should not have a problem with this." At this point, I would congratulate them to the new generation of humankind: one in which a child fathers a child by his mother. What an advancement, right?