Depending on you, you can spend all it is up to you, Suggest if you are Single, you can share the room, only QAR200. per month, there are some Hotel/Restaurant Malayalee or Bangale charging only.
QAR.250. two meals a day. You can save save lots lots of money. I am getting QAR.500. salary per month. My accommodation. QAR.100. per month(Sharing accom) My Meals in Mayalalee Hotel monthly QAR.150. 2x a day. So I have QAR.50. money in my pocket every month and QAR.200. sending to my Family back home.
Depending on you, you can spend all it is up to you, Suggest if you are Single, you can share the room, only QAR200. per month, there are some Hotel/Restaurant Malayalee or Bangale charging only.
QAR.250. two meals a day. You can save save lots lots of money. I am getting QAR.500. salary per month. My accommodation. QAR.100. per month(Sharing accom) My Meals in Mayalalee Hotel monthly QAR.150. 2x a day. So I have QAR.50. money in my pocket every month and QAR.200. sending to my Family back home.