When you are looking for any visa services always choose a reputed company with good sponsor. *Don’t get troubled by a visa seller who may offer a cheaper rate*
Chances are more for a company to get blocked or canceled by the government the more they sell visas. If your visa issued company got similar problems while you are inside Qatar, it will affect your visa renewals and sometime for your exit also. So be careful.
*Don’t trust any visa advertisement* but try to find out good agents through any of your friends or family members who have been living in Qatar. Or go with agents who have good recommendation from the experienced people.
Good Luck to all who wish to visit Great Qatar…!!!
When you are looking for any visa services always choose a reputed company with good sponsor. *Don’t get troubled by a visa seller who may offer a cheaper rate*
Chances are more for a company to get blocked or canceled by the government the more they sell visas. If your visa issued company got similar problems while you are inside Qatar, it will affect your visa renewals and sometime for your exit also. So be careful.
*Don’t trust any visa advertisement* but try to find out good agents through any of your friends or family members who have been living in Qatar. Or go with agents who have good recommendation from the experienced people.
Good Luck to all who wish to visit Great Qatar…!!!