Suggest, you get the Kaharamaa number of the building housing your apartment first. This should be available on the outside boundary wall of the building which houses your apartment. You can also find it on the electricity bill of your neighbors if they are living in the same building. Go over to the Kahramaa office with this number. You may need a copy of your residential contract attested by the Baladiya. Once you are at the Kahramaa office, they will tell you all the steps and guide you.
Suggest, you get the Kaharamaa number of the building housing your apartment first. This should be available on the outside boundary wall of the building which houses your apartment. You can also find it on the electricity bill of your neighbors if they are living in the same building. Go over to the Kahramaa office with this number. You may need a copy of your residential contract attested by the Baladiya. Once you are at the Kahramaa office, they will tell you all the steps and guide you.