I almost died laughing the first time I heard what you...
the restaurant back home serves apple pie with ice...
labda is that in English spelling as in tyre?
I can say Yankee as its not in the same context as you...
tig is a yankee..
Grant me the senility to...
whut you mean..o' course they's nothing wrong wuth us...
ohh marhab...do tell us how you prefer your gin.......
are you talking about the apple pie with the ice cream...
Makes me wonder if he skips the glass and has a nipple...
pronounce ending "t"s as a R sound...so only I guess I'...
I almost died laughing the first time I heard what you...
the restaurant back home serves apple pie with ice...
labda is that in English spelling as in tyre?
I can say Yankee as its not in the same context as you...
tig is a yankee..
Grant me the senility to...
whut you mean..o' course they's nothing wrong wuth us...
ohh marhab...do tell us how you prefer your gin.......
are you talking about the apple pie with the ice cream...
Makes me wonder if he skips the glass and has a nipple...
pronounce ending "t"s as a R sound...so only I guess I'...