QAWS contact number 5396074
The Cowboys and in baseball, Texas Rangers(Astros are...
take a WILD guess on that one...came from the New...
you get up on the wrong side of the world again today?...
its from the old wagons used to cross the prairies by...
at the end of each week, you have to pay for everyone's...
was the cat on a fried chicken diet...if so then yes on...
well place your food order early so we can all get on a...
"horses in Texas", like people eat them there! Those...
pretty good....where you been hiding lately and how's...
QAWS contact number 5396074
The Cowboys and in baseball, Texas Rangers(Astros are...
take a WILD guess on that one...came from the New...
you get up on the wrong side of the world again today?...
its from the old wagons used to cross the prairies by...
at the end of each week, you have to pay for everyone's...
was the cat on a fried chicken diet...if so then yes on...
well place your food order early so we can all get on a...
"horses in Texas", like people eat them there! Those...
pretty good....where you been hiding lately and how's...