I feel home sick, but wait..even there there are...
Live and let Live... Hard to keep up with this...
Math 4 All
Get their number from Qtel and try calling them,...
these are universal... applys to whom ever you...
How stupid can one get, No mix in schools they...
That is if they think he is their link to God?!
Herrasment comes with the terretory, its part of...
They choose him, They want him, May God...
All true, or 99.99% true Lol
Math 4 All...
I feel home sick,
but wait..even there there are...
Live and let Live...
Hard to keep up with this...
Math 4 All
Get their number from Qtel and try calling them,
these are universal...
applys to whom ever you...
How stupid can one get,
No mix in schools they...
That is if they think he is their link to God?!
Herrasment comes with the terretory,
its part of...
They choose him,
They want him,
May God...
All true, or 99.99% true
Math 4 All...