There's a suit tailors on the basement floor of...
Shabeb, your last line sums it up. That's life....
List of Service Centers for Subaru here:...
Need to be careful what you do on the internets these...
I agree. Pretty dumb plan. Good that they got caught....
If they can offer 9,800 then push for at least 10k. Don...
Good to see he got prosecuted. Can't go round...
I would say none on that list. Buy a Land Cruiser or...
There's a place on the Ground Floor of City Center...
You should carry both with you. You can't use the...
There's a suit tailors on the basement floor of...
Shabeb, your last line sums it up. That's life....
List of Service Centers for Subaru here:...
Need to be careful what you do on the internets these...
I agree. Pretty dumb plan. Good that they got caught....
If they can offer 9,800 then push for at least 10k. Don...
Good to see he got prosecuted. Can't go round...
I would say none on that list. Buy a Land Cruiser or...
There's a place on the Ground Floor of City Center...
You should carry both with you. You can't use the...