it's a simple answer: coz they need a woman to teach...
Simeitsa: abyad is used for male things (e.g. kalb...
emy: in fact i was planning to use "lawn" but then i...
thanx emy for the observations
laon al-sama azraq coz "al" is used in the...
good morning fea, nice blue sky, enjoy ur time :)...
Ebtesama = Smile (n) Ebtasem = smile (v) for male...
tell him to be brave and make the complain in the...
but don't mix it with Jao of hindi coz in hindi Jaaoo...
Jao = atmosphere Khalleek bel Jao = Stay in the...
it's a simple answer: coz they need a woman to teach...
Simeitsa: abyad is used for male things (e.g. kalb...
emy: in fact i was planning to use "lawn" but then i...
thanx emy for the observations
laon al-sama azraq
coz "al" is used in the...
good morning fea, nice blue sky, enjoy ur time :)...
Ebtesama = Smile (n)
Ebtasem = smile (v) for male...
tell him to be brave and make the complain in the...
but don't mix it with Jao of hindi coz in hindi Jaaoo...
Jao = atmosphere
Khalleek bel Jao = Stay in the...